Saturday, September 14, 2013


We had a pretty intense monsoon last week.  Everything was flooded and muddy.  We had had a little bit of leaking in our master bedroom near the fireplace during the last storm.  Although they told me it was fixed, I really wanted to make sure before the final coat of paint went on this week.  So I was pretty determined to get inside that house.  I pulled up to the side near the garage because it was so flooded and muddy I could not walk through the front door.  I kinda knew this was a bad idea, my Armada traditionally has not done well in less than ideal weather conditions.  As expected, I got stuck and could not reverse out of there.  Quite luckily, our tile guy, Jerry, was there along with his large 4-wheel drive truck.  He sloshed through the mud and pulled me out.  It was super nice of him and I was pretty embarrassed.  This is my car the next day.  It actually looks much better than it did right after.  I did get it washed right after this picture was taken.  Lesson learned. 
P.S. There was no leaking anywhere inside the house, so there's the silver lining!

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