Thursday, November 21, 2013

Other highlights

Our faucets have been going in, which is fun.  This is Alyssa's bathroom:
This is the master sink:

The glass guys also installed all the mirrors and glass shower enclosures.  This is Jaren's bathroom:
The precast guy also began framing in the hood over the stove top, and Jerry also started the backsplash.  ALL the countertops are finally installed as well as all the sinks and faucets.  It looks like a house!!


Yesterday was very exciting, the exterior of the house was painted.  I have been pretty nervous about this color.  I knew it was a little bold, but I love yellow tones so much and I'm so sick of all the brown and beige homes around here.  It's kind of a beige/yellow and I love it.

Weston also stained the exposed beams in the office, which looks great.
Today the electricians are hard at work installing all the exterior lighting.  The solar guys are putting the panels on the roof, the plumbers are putting all the fixtures in and the precast guy is supposed to be finishing up the columns.  Our hope is to call for the final inspection for Monday or Tuesday.  Crossing my fingers that we hit that deadline!